My reporting on the environment, travel, and culture in South America, especially Brazil, has appeared in the BBC, Mongabay, The New Humanitarian, Evening Standard, World Travel Magazine, Time Out, and others. 


Aug 19 – Mongabay – Brazil’s ‘Mothers of the Mangroves’ protect an ecological and cultural heritage

Aug 6 – Mongabay – Raw materials become high-value bioeconomy goods at an Amazon science park

Jul 23 – Mongabay – To host 2025 climate summit, Brazil will carve up an Amazonian reserve

Jul 11 – Mongabay – Shrimp farms threaten Mexico’s mangroves and the jaguars that inhabit them

Jun 26 – Mongabay – Reintroduction project brings golden parakeet back to the skies of Brazil’s Belem

Jun 15 – Irish Business News – Ireland needs to be prepared for a bioeconomy if people want low carbon future

Jun 15 – Irish Business News – The benefits of a circular economy in decarbonising Irish food systems

Jun 15 – Irish Business News – A blended business and technical skill set adds value to health and life science sector

Jun 13 – Mongabay – In Brazil, conservationists try to save one of the world’s most endangered cats

May 7 – Mongabay – Indigenous leader’s killer is convicted, but tensions over land remain

Apr 25 – Mongabay – Latest Peruvian oil spill cuts Indigenous communities from life-giving river

Apr 23 – Mongabay – Amid record-high fires across the Amazon, Brazil loses primary forest

Apr 19 – Mongabay – Brazil boosts protection of Amazon mangroves with new reserves in Para state

Mar 27 – Mongabay – Jaguar release offers a lifeline to Gran Chaco’s lonely big cats

Feb 15 – BBC – Brazil’s heart-breaking site of two million enslaved Africans

Feb 13 – BBC – Rio de Janeiro is betting on Carnival for ‘cooler’ parties – and a better Brazil

Feb 12 – Mongabay – Rewilding in Argentina helps giant anteaters return to south Brazil

Jan 29 – Mongabay – Grassroots efforts and an Emmy-winning film help Indigenous fight in Brazil

Jan 2 – Mongabay – Amazon chocolatiers: Biofactory offers ‘new way of living’ for forest communities



Dec 15 – Mongabay – Outcry as Congress overrides president to revive anti-Indigenous law

Dec 7 – Mongabay – Amazon deforestation declines but fossil fuels remain contentious, COP28 shows

Dec 6 – Mongabay – A Brazilian NGO restores widely degraded Atlantic Forest amid mining threats

Dec 6 – Mongabay – Prolonged drought brings unprecedented change to Amazonian communities in Para

Nov 28 – Mongabay – Quilombola communities take iron ore mine to U.K. court, alleging decades of damage

Nov 27 – BBC – Brazil’s mysterious tunnels made by giant sloths

Oct 30 – Mongabay – Jaguar haven in Brazil’s Pantanal burns amid ‘new normal’ of wildfires

Oct 24 – Mongabay – Lula partially blocks anti-Indigenous land rights bill, but trouble isn’t over

Oct 11 – Mongabay – Brazil strikes intruders of Amazon’s most deforested Indigenous land

Oct 9 – BBC – The luxury boutique hotel in the heart of a cloud forest

Oct 4 – Mongabay – Cacao and cupuacu emerge as Amazon’s bioeconomy showcases

Sep 27 – Mongabay – New online map tracks threats to uncontacted Indigenous peoples in Brazil’s Amazon

Sep 22 – Mongabay – Brazil Supreme Court quashes time frame proposal in win for Indigenous rights

Sep 13 – Mongabay – ‘We don’t have much time’: Q&A with climate scientist Pierre Friedlingstein

Sep 13 – Mongabay – Revealed: Why the UN is not climate neutral

Sep 13 – The New Humanitarian –  Is the UN really climate neutral? No.

Sep 12 – Irish Business News – Universal connectivity in Ireland will help businesses achieve uninterrupted growth

Sep 6 – Mongabay – Brazil cap-and-trade carbon framework in sight, but agriculture gets a pass

Aug 29 – Irish Business News – Why the best digital transformation involves a bespoke process for each company

Aug 23 – Mongabay – A tale of two biomes as deforestation surges in Cerrado but wanes in Amazon

Aug 11 – Mongabay – Amazon nations agree on saving rainforest – but not on conservation goals

Aug 4 – Mongabay – Amazon Summit sparks hopes for coordinated efforts from the rainforest nations

Jul 14 – Mongabay – Sweet solution: Armadillo-friendly honey helps Brazil beekeepers, giant armadillos

Jul 4 – Mongabay – A standing Amazon Rainforest could create an $8 billion bioeconomy: study

Jun 27 – Mongabay – As one Brazilian state takes up carbon trading, others may fall for the ‘illusion’

Jun 21 – Mongabay – No new mining operations on Yanomami land after raids and deaths

Jun 8 – Mongabay – A mega highway threatens South America’s vulnerable Gran Chaco

Jun 1 – Irish Business News – Showing current and future workers the varied opportunities in energy

May 23 – Irish Business News – Compostable bioplastics help food businesses move to circular packaging

May 19 – Mongabay – World Bank: Brazil faces $317 billion in annual losses to Amazon deforestation

May 11 – Mongabay – Amazon Rainforest loss could reach new height in just 5 years, study says

Apr 28 – Mongabay – Mouth of the Amazon oil exploration clashes with Lula’s climate promises

Apr 27 – Mongabay – ‘I’ll keep fighting’: Indigenous activist and Goldman winner Alessandra Munduruku

Apr 24 – BBC – Rio de Janeiro: The “Marvellous City” welcomes digital nomads

Apr 19 – Mongabay – New zipline on Rio’s Sugarloaf raises outcry from conservationists

Apr 11 – Mongabay – Report sums up Bolsonaro’s destruction legacy and Amazon’s next critical steps

Mar 14 – Mongabay – Make it local: Deforestation link to less Amazon rainfall tips activism shift

Mar 3 – Mongabay – Restoration turns pastures into wildlife haven in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest

Feb 16 – Mongabay – Lula wants to mirror Amazon’s lessons in all biomes, but challenges await

Feb 13 – Mongabay – US pledges Amazon Fund donation, renewing hope for the rainforest

Jan 25 – Mongabay – Yanomami health disaster prompts outrage as Lula vows to tackle crisis

Jan 20 – Mongabay – Ecotourism and education: Win-win solution for Pantanal jaguars and ranchers

Jan 3 – Mongabay – Series of small dams pose big cumulative risk to Amazon’s fish and people



Dec 28 – Mongabay – Amazon’s tallest tree at risk as deforestation nears

Nov 9 – Mongabay – Delayed Indigenous ‘Man of the Hole’ burial reveals dispute over his land

Nov 4 – Mongabay – Growing soy on cattle pasture can eliminate Amazon deforestation in Brazil

Sep 20 – Mongabay – Fires in the world’s largest wetland turns Brazilian farmers into firefighters

Sep 13 – Mongabay – Bolsonaro trails in polls, but his base in Congress looks likely to persist

Sep 7 – BBC – The ‘walking’ statues of Easter Island

Aug 9 – Mongabay – New Brazil bill puts cattle pasture over Pantanal wetland

Aug 2 – Mongabay – Violence persists in Amazon region where Pereira and Phillips were killed

Aug 1 – Mongabay – Organized crime drives violence and deforestation in the Amazon, study shows

Jul 22 – Mongabay – Brazil’s new deforestation data board sparks fear of censorship of forest loss, fires

Jun 27 – Mongabay – In Brazil, an Indigenous land defender’s unsolved killing is the deadly norm

Jun 20 – Your Career – Inspiring success at all stages of an engineering career

Jun 20 – Irish Business News – The success of the aviation leasing sector depends on its talent

Jun 20 – Your Career – Empowering women with mentorships and leadership programmes

Jun 15 – Your Career – Empowering women for a career in engineering

Jun 15 – Your Career – Passion and community allow women to flourish in STEM environments

Jun 13 – Your Career – Education and mentors are key for STEM success

Jun 7 – Irish Business News – The benefits of flexible skills training all available for all through further education and training

May 31 – Mongabay – Government inaction sees 98% of deforestation alerts go unpunished in Brazil

May 12 – Mongabay – Training on pasture recover is a win-win for Brazil’s cattle ranchers and forests

Apr 15 – Mongabay – Forest loss shows stopgap decrees failing to protect Brazil’s isolated Indigenous

Mar 15 – Mongabay – Brazil Congress fast-tracks ‘death package’ bill to mine on Indigenous lands

Mar 7 – Mongabay – In destroying the Amazon, big agribusiness is torching its own viability

Feb 18 – Mongabay – Brazil agrochemical bill nears passage in Bolsonaro’s ‘agenda of death’

Jan 21 – Mongabay – Deja vu for Indigenous villagers in Brazil as floods leave them homeless again

Jan 7 – Mongabay – Cattle boom in Brazil’s Acre spells doom for Amazon rainforest, activists warn



Oct 15 – Mongabay – Math campus multiplies threats to Rio de Janeiro’s dwindling Atlantic Forest


2016 – 2020

Hundreds of articles with Culture Trip